Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

Course Structure

The institute conducts two year full time B.Ed. course. The course is conducted in accordance with the statutory requirements of NCTE, Jaipur and Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. The syllabus for the course shall be follow as per NCTE, norms. The University gets enrolled the candidates through counseling preceded by qualifying the entrance examination conducted at state level by the competent authority.

The main examinations are conducted by Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut

The basic objective of the course is to:

  • To acquire knowledge and develop understanding about the various procedures and techniques of evaluation and their classroom application.
  • To provide knowledge and develop understanding about various aspects of school management.
  • To systematise experiences and strengthen the professional competency of in-service teachers.
  • To understand the nature of the learner and of learning processes.
  • To develop skills involved in dealing with the academic and personal problems of learners.
  • To develop skills involved in selecting, developing and using evaluation tools.
  • To develop an appreciation of the role of the teacher in the prevailing socio-cultural and political context in general, and the educational system in particular

Scope of the course

The job opportunities for these professionals are numerous. They can find employment in various government and government aided institutions. After qualifying this examination one can join as teacher in any government school in the State.


Two Year


As per N.C.T.E & Ch. Charan Singh University norms.

Admission Procedure

Ch. Charan Singh University gets enrolled the candidates through counseling preceded by qualifying the entrance examination conducted at state level by the competent authority.

B.Ed. Syllabus (e.f. From session 2015-17 and onwards)

Annual Distribution of the Courses and Weightage of Marks

B.Ed. – Ist Year (From Session 2015-2017 and onwards)
Theory/Practical Max. Marks Internal External
CC 1 Contemporary India and Education 100 20 80
CC 2 Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education 100 20 80
CC 3 Growing up as a Learner 100 20 80
CC 4 Teacher, Teaching and Technology 100 20 80
PC 1 Pedagogy of a School Subject-I* 100 20 80
PC 2 Pedagogy of a School Subject-II** 100 20 80
Total 600 120 480
*’ ** Choose any two Subject For PC 1 and PC 2
E-201 Pedagogy of Hindi
E-202 Pedagogy of English
E-203 Pedagogy of Sanskrit
E-204 Pedagogy of Social Science
E-205 Pedagogy of Mathematics
E-206 Pedagogy of Physical Science
E-207 Pedagogy of Biological Science
E-208 Pedagogy of Computer Science
E-209 Pedagogy of Home Science
E-210 Pedagogy of Commerce
Field Activities Based Practicum
EPC 1 Strengthing Language Proficiency 25 5 20
EPC 2 Art and Aesthetics 25 5 20
EPC 3 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 25 5 20
Task and Assignments on CC 1-4 (Viva) 25 5 20
Total 100 20 80
School Activities Based Practicum
PC 5 Preparation to Function as a Teacher 100 20 80
B.Ed- IInd Year (From Session 2015-2017 and onwards)
Theory/Practical Max. Marks Internal External
CC 5 Creating an Inclusive School 50 10 40
CC 6 Gender, School and Society 50 10 40
CC 7 Knowledge, Language and Curriculum 50 10 40
PC 3 Assessment for Learning 100 20 80
PC 4 Optional Courses- any one of the following 50 10 40
i. Educational Administration and Management
ii. Guidance and Counselling
iii. Environment Education
iv. Computer Education
v. Health, Physical Education and Yog
vi. Life Style Management
Total 300 60 240
Field Activities Based Practicum
EPC 4 Understanding of ICT 25 5 20
EPC 5 Scouting and Guiding 25 5 20
EPC 6 Working with Community 25 5 20
Task and Assignments on CC 5-7 & PC 3-4 (viva) 25 5 20
Total 100 20 80
School Activities Based Practicum
PC 6 School Internship 200 30 170